This leopard was very curious about the kids, and kept licking the glass when Anna would put her face against it. Maybe he wanted to see how she tasted!
The gibbons were hilarious, and put on a big show with much hooping and whooping. It was really amazing. This did impress Samuel. Days later he still comes up to me and says, "Monkeys say WHOOOP!"
The giant tortoises were very cool. Anna was highly impressed.
For the zoo trip, Samuel had to wear his crocodile shirt. For months now, he'll tell me he's going to go to work to feed crocodiles. He'll go outside for a few minutes, then come inside and tell me, "Mommy, I did go to work." I'll ask what he did at work, and he'll say, "I feed the crocodidels."
When we were at the zoo, if anyone asked him what his favorite animal was, he pointed at his shirt, and this was before we even saw the alligators. One of the last animals we saw before heading home were the alligators, but Samuel didn't seem that impressed. I thought it was because they didn't move at all. However, the next day Samuel tells me he's going to work at the store. I ask him if he's going to feed crocodiles, and he says, " No, I no feed crocodidels anymore. Crocodidels want to eat ME!" So I guess they made a bigger impression on him than I thought.
Aw, it looks like you had a lot of fun! We love the zoo!