Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Makeshift Bird Feeder

    I feel so sorry for the birds when there is deep snow, and after seeing bird that are normally ground feeders try in vain to get at my log feeder, I decided to do something about it. 

     I also wanted to lure them a little closer to the house so that we could observe them better. 

     So I used what I had on hand to make a very make shift bird feeder out of a pizza box. 

Needless to say, this will only be out while the snow is too deep for them to find their own food, But we have all had so much fun looking at the many visitors, that I think I need to add something more permanent. 

   It has been a great experience watching our little winter visitors; Anna is always calling me to the window to look at some new bird.  It has also given us the opportunity to observe some curious habits.  For instance, Juncos really seem to like the snow, and don't mind sitting right in it. The other birds avoid perching directly in the snow if they can help it.  Towhees will only eat on the ground, and wont even fly up to the box.  I have to sprinkle bird seed under the bushes for them.

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