Wednesday, October 14, 2015

So Far This Year

     I thought I'd post a little update on how school has been going for us this year.  I now "officially" have three school aged children, so things are a little different.  I wouldn't say harder, though.  It takes much more effort to teach one, while preventing two from distracting the very easily distractible, one.  That's not to say that there hasn't been some hiccups along the way.  I've had to switch Anna's math curriculum yet again.  That's suppose to be one of those homeschooling no-nos. Go ahead and experiment with everything else, but stick to one math program, or you'll hopelessly confuse your child and doom them to mathematical failure.  The problem with this statement is, the chances of  finding what works best for your family and your child in the first go, is infinitely small.  So we switched- again. In the middle of the year. (Something I swore I would never do with any curriculum.) And it's been a very good thing. 
     Something I was worried about but didn't turn out to be an issue, is the twins competitiveness.  They still compete, but not with the same blood thirstiness of last year.  Samuel has realized that he doesn't have the same zeal for school that Abriel does, and he's OK with that. No one could have quite the passion for school that Abriel does.  I think she has the one learning style that traditional school is designed for.  She loves workbooks, coloring pages, and cutting and pasting activities.  Boring little readers thrill her.  She also loves being the "the best".  She already has her entire Awana book memorized and it's only the fourth week.  However, she doesn't voluntarily do academic  activities just because something has sparked her interest.  She likes to be put to a task. 
      Samuel is completely different- from everybody.  Traditional school was not made for him.  He hates writing, unless he's writing his comic book full of teeny tiny drawings and writing.  Then he'll spend hours on it.  He hates math, unless he's doing multiplication.  (why??) He hates his readers, but will read much harder books that he picks out at the library.  His basic motto is, "If you want me to do it, I wont."  He's not the easiest child, but just when you think you really are going to strangle him, he does something incredibly sweet. 
     I have been making an effort to do "fun" school stuff this year.  It makes such a difference on everyone's attitude about doing the less fun stuff.  While learning about Columbus, we painted maps and then made rice crispy boats.
     After doing this, Samuel went from hating history to loving it.  The only problem is, I am having trouble thinking of new craft ideas.  I need something for Pocahontas, but I'm stumped.  Any ideas?

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